5 Driving Tips For New Drivers
New drivers have a lot on their plate. They are learning where to look and hold the wheel, what to watch for, and other nuances that experienced drivers take for granted. At Faulkner Buick GMC Trevose, we want to help new drivers be as safe as possible. Here are five tips that can help new drivers remain safe when they’re on the road.
- Always Buckle Up: Wearing a seatbelt and wearing it right can be a lifesaver. Even if the new driver does everything right, an accident could still occur. Having this safety measure in place can make all the difference, so always buckle your seatbelt before your vehicle starts moving.
- Ignore the Phone: Phones are distracting when sitting home. Behind the wheel, they can quickly become even more dangerous and, in some cases, deadly — even if you use them only for a quick phone call or two-sentence text message. Never use your phone while operating any type of motor vehicle. If you must call or text someone, pull over and stop to do it.
- Always Be Aware: Look at everything going on around you. Being aware of your circumstances and environment can help protect you from a crash.
- Be Prepared: Make sure you have emergency rations in your vehicle, just in case. This means non-perishable food items, water, blankets, windshield washer fluid, and, if possible, some type of radio that you can call for help with even if you don’t get a cell signal.
- Drive a Safe Vehicle: Even if you cannot afford a new Buick car in Bensalem, there are also used Buick auto sales going on in Bucks County. Find a car that you can depend on that is known for its longevity and safety — like a Buick!
Are you in need of a safe new or used vehicle? Though our showrooms are currently open by appointment only in an effort to help flatten the COVID-19 curve, Faulkner Buick GMC Trevose is still allowing drivers to explore using our virtual showroom at https://www.faulknerbuickgmctrevose.com/.