A Short History of the Buick Company
As one of the largest auto manufacturers in the United States, most people are familiar with the distinct look and feel of a Buick. But did you know that the company’s history dates back over 100 years?
Many people are unaware the first Buick was created back in 1899. That makes Buick the oldest automobile manufacturer in the United States, and one of just a few in the world that was around at that time. In its first year in operation, the Buick company only produced one vehicle; the 1904 Model B. The company quickly expanded its production, moving from Flint, Michigan, to a factory operation located in Detroit.
The first car that would qualify as full-size with a four-cylinder engine came about in 1907. From there, more vehicles with more options became available. As time went on, things like seatbelts, new types of transmissions, and turn signals came into play. Within ten years, the company that had only produced a single car in its first year was making nearly 10,000 cars a year.
The Buick’s style has always aimed to combine luxury and affordability. Even monarchs of other countries treated themselves to the nuances that only a Buick offered! In the 1930s, British monarch Edward VIII made headlines when he purchased a custom Buick. The Buick was also a famous favorite of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth while on royal tours through Canada.
Today, Buick is known for its luxurious style and comfort, and the company sells millions of new vehicles per year. If you are on the lookout for a new Buick car in Bucks Countynew Buick car in Bucks County, or even new Buick cars in Bensalemnew Buick cars in Bensalem, then Faulkner Buick GMC Trevose is where you want to look. Give our team a call today at 215-364-7720 to learn more about everything a Buick can offer you.. To take a virtual tour of all the vehicles currently available from Faulkner Buick GMC Trevose, pay our team a visit online at https://www.faulknerbuickgmctrevose.com/. Our service and repair shop will remain open during this time, so be sure to stop in today for new parts and repairs for your Buick or GMC vehicle!